Stop the Frankenfish attack
The US is about to treat the world to the first genetically modified meat: a mutant salmon that could wipe out wild salmon populations and threaten human health – but we can stop it now before our plates are filled with suspicious Frankenfish.
Sign the petition
Companies who went against prop.37
The following link shows the major companies who went against prop.37 (the proposition to make companies label all or any GMO ingredients in our foods) Please read and avoid funding these companies.
basically Canada and the USA do not have laws which make food companies label all GMO ingredients. Why?
When you put new oil into your car engine
“When you put new oil into your car engine, you don’t just pour it on top of the old filthy oil, but first drain the old stuff out. The least you could do is treat your own body with the same respect and care you give your car.” – The Tao of Health